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Restock High Voltage Multifunction Phasing Stick SEW PC-33K

Hubungi Kami Restock High Voltage Multifunction Phasing Stick SEW PC-33K, Untuk pemesanan anda bisa menghungi sales marketing kami di TLP/SMS : 085701550255 / WA 081339893673 atau anda bisa mengirimkan e-mail untuk meminta surat penawaran ke risiskalestari2@gmailcom. Kami supplier alat safety terlengkap dan termurah selain menjual lampu explosion proof kami juga menjual produk lainya seperti sirine yahagi, sirine ewig, sirine mini, lampu rotary, lampu patwal, sirine multitones dll, dapat kan harga spesial dari kami dan gratis ongkir untuk daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya. 

Restock High Voltage Multifunction Phasing Stick SEW PC-33K

Spesifikasi :
Total Resistance : 19.68M
Response Time : <1sec br=""> Neon Threshold : 1.2kV
Neon Lit Fully @ : 1.5kV
Length of Handle : 775mm
Length Front End : 665mm
Total Length : 1.440mm

Features: - No users assembled parts.
- Dual color-coded scale (%, Vac).
- Neon indicator when >1200Vac.
- Lightweight, robust & compact.
- Carry case included.
- Compare between phases.
- Measure and test phase to earth.
- High quality fiberglass wound rod.
- Self powered operation. No battery required.
- DC version available.
- Measure phase to phase.
- Hi immunity to interference fields.
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
- Current is limited to 1 milli-ampere
- Grounded or ungrounded systems
- Meets IEC 61481 (excludes PC44K)


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